Center for Qualified CyberSecurity Excellence & Mastery

"Where Qualified Cyber Education Happens"

SU Q/SSE® Qualified/ Software Security Expert Certificate Program of Mastery

Class fee include all Required classed – exams are required to graduate

Everyone, no matter what software you write, software protocols, internal processes or you're responsible for secure programming. You all need to know secure coding techniques that minimize the adverse effects of SQL or other malicious hacker attacks on code.

This class is for everyone! If you want to learn how add Microsoft's SDL, sanitize inputs and test code this class is for you, if you write code this class is for you because everyone needs to know software security and how to BREAK & FIX software.

This SU Certificate Program of Mastery delivers the best of all of the Qualified Software Security Expert classes and more. It includes items that are defensive in nature (e.g. checking error return codes before using, other data structures that should have been created, or protecting against using a pointer after it has been released), process-related and risk- related, hacking and XSS . Also included are items on how to prevent attacks with a step-by-step process how to FIX software with counter measures that protect your code.

Passing the Q/SSE classes qualifies you to take each Q/SSE exam. The Q/SSE exam is made up questions you have seen from the Q/SSE classes that you take before the Q/SEE 100 multiple choice EXAM. Or you can Master the Q/SSE EXAM without taking any Q/SSE classes by passing the Q/SSE exam with an 70 or better and prove you have mastered the tactical software security skills labs from each Q/SEE class that proves your "qualified" for the job.

Lastly, its all about the web killer app. Web servers ARE the target of choice for hackers. 97% of all web applications are vulnerable, and better network security isn't the only answer! We explore a model for web application testing and discuss web application concerns, including accountability, availability, confidentiality and integrity. You will go well beyond the OWASP to look at 19 specific web application attacks, including attacking the client, state, data and the server. When you leave these classes you are ready to defend your c0d3!

The SU Q/SSE® Certificate Program of Mastery and related secure coding micro badges identify and certify "qualified persons" who subscribe to a rigorous requirement to maintain their knowledge and proficiency securing code. The mission is to know secure coding techniques that minimize the adverse effects of SQL or other malicious hacker attacks on code.

R=Required /
Course Title / Class
* denotes Practical for CPoM designation | ~ repeat course names
Hours Cost
Q/SSE CPoM SU Q/SSE® Qualified/ Software Security Expert Certificate Program of Mastery
Class fee include all Required classed – exams are required to graduate
936 hrs $26,500
The SU Q/SSE® Certificate Program of Mastery and related secure coding micro badges identify and certify "qualified persons" who subscribe to a rigorous requirement to maintain their knowledge and proficiency securing code. The mission is to know secure coding techniques that minimize the adverse effects of SQL or other malicious hacker attacks on code.
Req Q/SSE® Qualified/ Software Security Expert Bootcamp Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req Q/SSPT® Qualified/ Software Security Penetration Tester Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req Q/STP® Qualified Software Testing Bootcamp Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req How to Break & FIX Web Security Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req How to Break & FIX Software Security Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req Fundamentals of Secure Software Programming Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req Q/SH/D® Qualified/ Software Hacker / Defender Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req Q/STBP® Qualified/ Software Tester Best Practices Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req Introduction to Reverse Engineering Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req Linux/UNIX® Security Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req PMP Project Manager Professional Certification Class & Exam 72 $4,990
Req SU CASP® - Certified Advance Security Professional Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990
Req SU Security+® CompTIA Certification Class & Exam 72 $3,990

*A bundle includes all the requisite classes of the Certificate of Mastery Program.


CISSP® is a registered trademark of (ISC)2® -SU CISSP Training classes are not endorsed or sponsored by (ISC)2® /CEH® CHFI® are EC Council registered trademarks SU CWNA / CWSP classes are not endorsed or sponsored by CWNP® /SU CIPP® Training classes are not endorsed or sponsored by IAPP® /R is a required E is an elective *Exams not included, Practica required CPoM designation “validation” after class completion. Practicals are mastery evidence to support the claim of knowing something.

SU Accelerated Qualified/ Registered Cyber Apprenticeship Program. 100% eligible for GI Bill. Earn 8 Cyber Certs/ 24 mo/ attend 8 weeks of hands-on classes/ Employer agreement and Apprenticeship agreement required for apprenticeship program. Advance your cyber career skills at SU. SU Testing (SUT) owns Q/ISP® ,, Q/IAP®, Q/WP®, Q/SSE® , Q/CND® Certificate Program of Mastery Exams/ SUT Q/ISP®, Q/IAP®, Q/WP®, Q/SSE®, Q/CND® Certification exams by TESTRAC are high stakes, on site, on-line, on-demand testing.


Who Should Attend

Software testers, software developers, development and test managers, security auditors and anyone involved in software production for resale or internal use will find it valuable. Information Security and IT managers; Information Assurance Programmers; Information Security Analysts and Consultants; Internal Auditors and Audit Consultants.

What Is CWE?

Targeted to developers and security practitioners, CWE is a formal list of software weaknesses, idiosyncrasies, faults, and flaws created to serve as a common language for describing the source code, software design, or software architecture causes of software security vulnerabilities. CWE is a standard measuring stick for software security tools targeting these issues. That provide a common baseline standard for identification, mitigation, and prevention of these weaknesses.











*Class fees are subject to change


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